Sinema Statement on Conclusion of Arizona ‘Audit’

Sep 24, 2021

PHOENIX – Arizona’s senior U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema released the following statement:
“As we have known for nearly a year, the 2020 Arizona election was a success – not for any one party or individual, but as a demonstration of the will of Arizona voters. A record 80 percent of registered voters participated, thanks to state and local Arizona election officials who ensured our system worked and our laws were upheld. It has been deeply troubling to see state leaders wasting time and taxpayer money sowing doubt about the election when no credible evidence of irregularities exists. Arizona has offered early voting for more than 100 years, and our vote-by-mail system includes strict safeguards. The Arizona election produced bipartisan results, in which members of both parties won races – and these results have been confirmed by stakeholders across the political spectrum. Eight challenges contesting the Arizona election were brought in federal and state courts. All eight were withdrawn or dismissed – including in a unanimous ruling by Arizona’s Supreme Court. Those of us who are trusted with elected office are, first and foremost, public servants. We serve our constituents – we do not seek to substitute our personal ambitions for the will of the American people.”
On January 6th, minutes before the Senate chamber was breached by the U.S. Capitol insurrectionists, Sinema was the last Senator to conclude a Senate floor speech in which she defended Arizona’s election. Click HERE to watch Sinema’s Senate floor speech defending Arizona’s election.