Sinema Meets with Arizona AIPAC

Feb 14, 2023

Senator reaffirmed her unwavering support for America’s strongest ally and heard from Arizona American Israel Public Affairs Committee about legislative priorities

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema held a meeting with Arizona American Israel Public Affairs Committee leader Erika Neuberg about her continued support of the bond between the U.S. and the State of Israel, and to hear about AIPAC’s priorities entering the 118th Congress.
“The relationship between the U.S. and the State of Israel is critical to the long-term security of our country, and serves as an example to countries all over the world of what democracy, partnership, and alliance for freedom can look like. At a time of ongoing violence in the region, we’re committed to supporting a secure and democratic Israel,” said Sinema.
During the meeting, Neuberg briefed Sinema about the uptick in terror and a step-by-step plan to resume security cooperation and stop incitement.
Sinema’s first vote as Arizona’s senior Senator was to affirm the relationship between America and Israel, the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act. The bipartisan legislation approved by the Senate provides critical security resources to Israel and reinforces that amid efforts to isolate Israel, America stands strong alongside its ally.