Sinema, Kelly Statement on Federal Government’s Limited Increase of Coronavirus Vaccines

Feb 9, 2021

Administration announces slight increase in coronavirus vaccines being distributed to states, including Arizona—Senators call for more doses

WASHINGTON – Arizona Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly released the following statements on today’s announcement that the federal government is slightly increasing the weekly total of coronavirus doses shipped to Arizona and states across the country. The Senators continued their calls for a larger immediate, emergency increase in coronavirus vaccines to Arizona. 
“Arizona suffers from one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the country. While I am glad to see the federal government commit more vaccines for Arizonans, our hospitals and vaccination sites remain overwhelmed by demand and we need a larger immediate, emergency increase in vaccine doses to save lives and provide immediate help to Arizona seniors, people with pre-existing conditions, frontline workers, and tribal communities,” said Sinema. 
“The way we beat this virus and rebuild our economy is to get vaccines out into communities across the state and into people’s arms. This increase is welcome, but with the challenges Arizona is facing from a high infection rate, need in rural areas, and increased demand from seasonal visitors and workers who will migrate to other states soon, we need a larger emergency allocation,” said Kelly.

Arizona is suffering from one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the country. Sinema has heard from Arizonans who are in 1A and 1B vaccination groups, but are waiting hours online or by phone to secure vaccination appointments, and many are unable to schedule appointments at all. 
Earlier this week, the Senators requested 300,000 vaccine doses immediately and an increase of 300,000 doses in the weekly allocation of vaccines to Arizona from the federal government, consistent with the State of Arizona’s request. Their request followed Sinema’s earlier request when she asked HHS and FEMA to provide more vaccination personnel, an immediate supplement of 300,000 vaccine doses, and an additional 300,000 doses added to Arizona’s usual weekly allocations. Sinema is also asking additional vaccine doses to Arizona be equitably distributed across all 15 Arizona counties.
Senator Sinema is helping vaccination sites find more volunteers and volunteering at sites herself. She continues to communicate Arizona’s needs to federal partners, Pfizer, Moderna, and the new administration.