Sinema, Kelly: Over $5.2 Million in Housing Grants Awarded to White Mountain Apache and Cocopah Indian Tribes

Mar 4, 2024

Funding will be used to rehabilitate tribal housing units

WASHINGTON – Arizona Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly announced two housing grants totaling $5,215,400 for the White Mountain Apache and Cocopah Indian Tribes.

The White Mountain Apache Tribe will use its $4 million grant to rehabilitate 35 housing units, and the Cocopah Indian Tribe will use its $1,215,444 grant to rehabilitate 11 housing units to improve the quality of homes for low-income families.  

“Today’s funds will improve housing for the White Mountain Apache and Cocopah Indian Tribes – providing tribal communities with safe and affordable housing,” said Sinema.

“This funding will provide White Mountain Apache and Cocopah families the safe, quality housing they deserve,” said Kelly.

The Sinema and Kelly-shaped American Rescue Plan Act provides millions of dollars for the Indian Community Development Block Grants Program, which provides a range of affordable housing and community development activities on Indian reservations and Indian areas.