Sinema Introduces New Bipartisan Bill Helping Homeless Veterans During Coronavirus Pandemic

Jun 5, 2020

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema introduced the Homeless Veterans Coronavirus Response Act of 2020 with Republican Senator Dan Sullivan (AK). The bipartisan legislation brings relief and resources to the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Homeless Program Office by expanding its authorities to provide food, transportation, and communications technologies to homeless veterans and easing requirements that are especially onerous during the coronavirus pandemic.
“The federal government must fulfill its promises to America’s veterans and reduce veteran homelessness. Our bipartisan bill increases veterans’ access to housing, health care, and emergency resources during the ongoing public health crisis,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
Sinema’s bipartisan bill allows the VA to use funds appropriated for the Grant and Per Diem program and the Health Care for Homeless Veterans program to be used to provide homeless veterans, including those in the HUD-VASH program, with food, clothing, blankets, hygiene items, transportation to appointments, communications equipment, and any other assistance the Secretary determines is needed. The bill also allows the VA, during the coronavirus pandemic, to collaborate with organizations to manage VA land that homeless veterans might be using as temporary shelter. The bill also increases the maximum Grant and Per Diem program rate, increases funding for Grant and Per Diem program beds, waives regulations to get homeless veterans housing as quickly as possible, and allows the VA to provide communications equipment to homeless veterans, VA case managers, and community-based service providers to facilitate homeless veterans’ participation in VA telehealth programs.
Last year, Sinema cosponsored the Homeless Veterans Prevention Act that expands upon existing programs that help homeless veterans and provides greater resources to prevent veteran homelessness.
Sinema has also added a resources page to her website,, for Arizonans looking for the latest information on coronavirus.