Sinema Introduces Arizonan Mike Liburdi at Senate Judiciary Committee

Feb 13, 2019

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema today delivered the following remarks to the Senate Judiciary Committee:

“Chairman Graham, Ranking Member Whitehouse, and members of the Judiciary Committee:

I appreciate the opportunity to speak about a fellow Arizonan and well-respected attorney, Michael Liburdi.

I have known Mike Liburdi for nearly 20 years. In that time, he has shown himself to be a man of integrity with a deep respect for, and understanding of, the law.

Mike is a graduate of Arizona State University—where he and I are both now educators. He clerked for the Arizona Supreme Court, developed a successful private practice, and served as general counsel for Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, where I knew him as a fair and honest broker. He is respected by both Republicans and Democrats in Arizona.

Now, Mike is the nominee to serve as a district court judge for the District of Arizona.

Mike and I do not share all of the same political beliefs. But I believe the role of the Senate is to evaluate every nominee based on whether he or she is professionally qualified, believes in the role of an independent judiciary, and can be trusted to faithfully interpret and uphold the rule of law.

After knowing Mike for many years, recently meeting with him in this context, and carefully considering his nomination, I believe Mike Liburdi meets those high standards. I support his nomination to the federal Judiciary. 

I ask that this committee give him fair consideration and join me in supporting his nomination.

Thank you.”