Sinema Holds Senate Hearing on Critical Energy Infrastructure Needs, Highlights Bipartisan Solutions

Nov 1, 2021

Broadcast-quality HD clips:
Senator Sinema’s opening remarks
Senator Sinema’s questions

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema as Chair of the Senate Governmental Operations and Border Security Subcommittee held a hearing on improving the nation’s energy infrastructure, where she underscored how the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will improve innovation, modernization, and grid resiliency.
“I support an all-of-the-above energy approach that maintains reliability, affordability, and safety. That is why I was proud our Bipartisan Infrastructure Package includes funding for grid infrastructure, resiliency, and reliability,” said Sinema, Chair of the Senate Governmental Operations and Border Management Subcommittee.
Sinema stressed during the hearing how the critical investments made through the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be realized sooner, because of her bipartisan Federal Permitting Reform and Jobs Act, which was included in the package. These reforms will make sure that investments in Arizona’s power generation and transmission will be completed sooner, keeping lights on across the state. The reforms found in the Federal Permitting Reform and Job Act, have been proven to shorten permitting timelines by 45 percent through enhanced government coordination and transparency, while maintaining protections for communities and the natural environment. 
Sinema supports an all-of-the-above energy approach that maintains reliability, affordability, and safety. Sinema’s bipartisan legislation also makes investments supporting supply chains and clean energy technology that includes battery research and manufacturing.