Sinema Highlights Need for Arizona Small Businesses to Have a Voice in Government

May 22, 2019

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema today spoke at a joint Senate hearing with the Small Business Committee and the Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Subcommittee on the need to reauthorize the Small Businesses Administration Office of Advocacy.
“Small businesses are the backbone of Arizona’s economy,” said Sinema. “The Office of Advocacy can play a critical role by giving Arizona small businesses a voice and making sure their concerns are heard.” 
There are approximately 550,000 small businesses in Arizona, counting for over 99 percent of all businesses in the state. Small businesses employ 1 million people across Arizona, which is 44 percent of Arizona’s workforce.
Sinema recently introduced the bipartisan Prove It Act with Senator Joni Ernst. Their legislation allows the Office of Advocacy to request an agency take a second look at a certification, creating an opportunity for Arizona small businesses and their advocates to suggest how a proposed regulation could be improved.