Sinema Highlights Arizona Innovation, Discusses Need to Invest in Cybersecurity

Feb 12, 2020

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema spoke at a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing highlighting Arizona innovation and the need to invest in cybersecurity protections. Sinema discussed specific cyber-attacks in Arizona and questioned officials about how to protect Arizona communities from cyber-crimes.
“Arizona communities are exploring smart technologies to create jobs, increase access to health care, and enhance security. Yet, cyber-attacks demonstrate the risks our communities face and underscore how critical it is to focus on preparedness at the state, local, and tribal levels,” said Sinema.
During the Homeland Security hearing, Sinema highlighted positive innovation taking place in Arizona, including the state’s leadership in developing autonomous vehicles, but Sinema also warned against the risks that come with increased reliance on technology. Sinema shared stories of ransomware attacks on Flagstaff and Camp Verde Unified School Districts that led to school disruptions and delays, and emphasized the value of federal grants in supporting Arizona’s cybersecurity protections.