Senator McConnell and Senator Sinema introduce legislation to Congressman Barr’s CAROL Act

Apr 15, 2021

Senator McConnell and Senator Sinema introduce legislation to Congressman Barr’s CAROL Act


By AJ Cabbagestalk
WASHINGTON, DC. (WYMT) – Thursday, U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) introduced the Cardiovascular Advances in Research and Opportunities Legacy Act (CAROL ACT).
Congressman Andy Barr introduced the legislation in the House in honor of his wife, earlier this year. Carol Leavell Barr who died unexpectedly in June 2020 from an underlying valvular heart disease condition.
Nearly 25,000 Americans die from valvular heart disease. The CAROL Act works with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to create grants or contracts for valvular heart disease research and instruct the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to raise awareness of valvular heart disease.
“The CAROL Act is a fitting tribute to a wonderful Kentuckian. It embodies Carol Barr’s lifetime of service to others. Today, I’m proud to introduce this important legislation with Senator Sinema to help prevent more families from enduring this tragedy,” said Senator McConnell. “I’d like to applaud Congressman Barr for channeling his wife’s selfless spirit into action, and I look forward to its passage.”
“I’m proud to partner with Republican Leader McConnell to fuel medical research and improve diagnostic and treatment options for Arizonans living with valvular heart disease,” said Senator Sinema.
“The CAROL Act doesn’t just honor the memory of my extraordinary wife Carol, it gives millions of Americans who suffer from valvular heart disease hope. I want to thank Leader McConnell and Senator Sinema for joining me in my cause and introducing this important legislation in the U.S. Senate,” said Congressman Barr. “With over 125 cosponsors in the House in less than two months, the CAROL Act is picking up steam in both chambers. With targeted investments to help identify patients at high risk of serious outcome and develop treatment plans for them, I am confident we will reduce this tragic number.”