Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act would let veterans live in homes instead of hospitals

Mar 6, 2020

Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act would let veterans live in homes instead of hospitals

Connecting Vets

Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) have introduced a novel new piece of legislation aimed at helping elderly and sick veterans called the Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act.
If passed, the bill would allow Veteran’s Affairs to subsidize veterans being placed in medical foster homes (MFH), expanding options from just nursing homes or hospitals. Medical foster homes would be run by VA approved managers and would be open to three or four veterans who would live together in a communal environment. Currently, VA does not support medical foster homes. In addition to keeping veterans much more comfortable, it would also save the taxpayers money. Putting a veteran in a nursing home costs around $7,000 a month while putting them in a medical foster home would cost between $1,500 and $3,000 according to a press release from Sen. Sinema’s office.
“Arizona veterans who sacrificed for our freedoms deserve affordable, quality health care. Increasing options for veterans who would prefer to remain in their communities rather than nursing homes will support veterans’ quality of life and save money for veterans and taxpayers,” Sinema said.
Blackburn added that, “choice and options are what our veterans tell us they want in their healthcare and housing. To honor their service, we should provide it. Bringing in MFH housing as an option for long term care is the right move.”