La Paz County Jobs, Solar Development are Goals of New Sinema Bill

Aug 5, 2020

Sinema bill transfers 4,800 acres to La Paz County, creating jobs and boosting solar energy development

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrstem Sinema introduced legislation transferring 4,800 acres of Bureau of Land Management land to La Paz County for economic development, creating jobs while boosting affordable, renewable energy. 
“Building on the success of our recent La Paz County land transfer, our bipartisan bill creates good-paying Arizona jobs, boosts affordable energy, and ensures La Paz County’s economy can continue to grow,” said Sinema. 
“We thank Senator Sinema for introducing the La Paz County Solar Development and Job Creation Act of 2020. This important legislation continues La Paz County’s strategy to promote economic vitality and provide jobs for our residents through sustainable solar power renewable energy development. La Paz County is home to the world’s best solar resources. This area is immediately adjacent to the Ten West transmission line linking these renewable resources directly to Phoenix and southern California. This bill builds on prior phase 1 legislation enacted in 2019 which has enabled La Paz County to announce development of the largest planned PV solar project in the United States. As with phase 1, this land will be sold to the County for fair market value with the full involvement of the CRIT Tribe, other community stakeholders and in compliance with all environmental laws,” said Chairwoman Holly Irwin, La Paz County Supervisor.

While in the U.S. House, Sinema championed a La Paz County Land Transfer of 5,900 acres. Last year, Sinema helped that land transfer pass into law. Today’s legislation builds off of last year’s success and transfers an additional 4,800 acres of Bureau of Land Management land to La Paz County at fair market value for economic development including solar energy projects.
Senator Martha McSally cosponsored the legislation and Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar introduced a companion bill in the U.S. House.