Arizona senators announce $2.2 million investment in drinking water and wastewater infrastructure

Jul 26, 2021

Arizona senators announce $2.2 million investment in drinking water and wastewater infrastructure

Fox 10
The Arizona State Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly announced a $2.2 million in federal funds to invest in Prescott’s drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.
According to a report card from the American Civil Society of Engineer Arizona Infrastructure from 2020, Arizona’s drinking water received a grading of a C- in which the infrastructure requires attention.
The sources of water according to Arizona Department of Water Resources comes from the Colorado River, in-state rivers, reclaimed water, and ground water.
“It’s incredibly important that every Arizonan has access to clean drinking water. Prescott will greatly benefit from an investment in their water infrastructure that will serve the region for decades to come,” said Kelly.
The investment totals $2,286,000, with $1,646,000 of the amount awarded to the White House Ranch Owners Association Inc., and the remaining $640,000 awarded to the Pinehurst Water Company Inc.
Officials say the investment will be used to provide safe drinking water and replace and improve existing water distribution systems.