3 members of Arizona delegation part of Trump’s recovery task force

Apr 16, 2020

3 members of Arizona delegation part of Trump’s recovery task force

AZ Republic

Both of Arizona’s senators and one of its House members will be part of a large, mostly Republican group advising President Donald Trump on how to restart the nation’s economy.
The White House’s Congressional Economic Recovery Task Force is part of the growing list of advisers offering suggestions on how to shift from quarantine to rebooting the economy without triggering a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., joins Sens. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., and Martha McSally, R-Ariz., on the president’s panel of politicos.
The list released by the White House includes 65 out of 100 senators in the GOP-controlled chamber. It includes every Republican except Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, with whom Trump has poor relations made worse by his vote to convict Trump in the president’s recent impeachment trial.
The 435-member, Democratic-controlled House list has 32 names. Of those, 22 are Republicans.
Sinema is known for her political centrism but has offered pointed criticism, especially of Gov. Doug Ducey, for being overly cautious in reacting to the health threat posed by COVID-19. She said she welcomed the chance to help shape the economic response to it.
“I am happy to serve on the bipartisan White House task force focused on economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic,” she said in a tweet. “We’ll work with anyone to provide support for AZ state and local leaders.”
Kyrsten Sinema

I am happy to serve on the bipartisan White House task force focused on economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. We’ll work with anyone to provide support for AZ state and local leaders. https://www.sinema.senate.gov/sinema-serve-white-house-task-force-coronavirus-economic-recovery …
Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema will serve on the White House task force focused on economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic
McSally said she would look to balance the economic needs against the health risks.
“Honored to be named to (Trump’s) bipartisan task force to plan our country’s path forward,” she said. “I’ll take AZ concerns & ideas straight to the task force to inform a strong economic recovery that benefits Arizona’s families and businesses while prioritizing the safety of all citizens.”
Martha McSally

Honored to be named to @POTUS’s bipartisan task force to plan our country’s path forward. I’ll take AZ concerns & ideas straight to the task force to inform a strong economic recovery that benefits Arizona’s families and businesses while prioritizing the safety of all citizens.
Biggs noted the economy’s performance under Trump before the pandemic to argue the president’s agenda should be given great weight. Trump has also turned to his Cabinet members and business leaders on the same subject.
“The Trump administration’s pro-growth policies were paying dividends for millions of American individuals, families, and businesses,” Biggs said. “As a we pivot from a shutdown of our economy due to the coronavirus outbreak, it’s important to keep the president’s track record of tremendous results in mind as we move to restore the economy to its former brilliance. President Trump believes in the American people to be the masters of their own economic destinies, as do I.”
Biggs, who heads the conservative House Freedom Caucus, has gained national attention in recent days as he called on Anthony Fauci, the government’s leading infectious disease expert, to “move along” and sought the immediate reopening of businesses across the country.